We are so excited you are interested in blogging. If you would like to be added as an author so that you are able to post a picture, article, video, etc. please email me your gmail email address at ard5@psu.edu and I will add you as an author and send you an invite.
You will need to respond to the invitation. You can then sign into the Sister Solidarity Blog.
Once signed in, you will see at
the top a “Dashboard”, entitled
"Your Name's blogs", Your name will be displayed at the top.
There is an orange box with a pencil for new posts next to Sister
Solidarity (the blog) and next to that another icon with an arrow. The
arrow allows the user to go to "Pages" and to edit.
To post a blog, here are the steps:
- Sign into the blog URL and make sure that you select the Sister Solidarity blog to post in the correct place.
- At the top you will see the option “new post” Click on that. You will want to put a title for your post and also insert your blog entry in the rectangular box on your screen. Although you can save as a draft, most of us have found it easier to write the blog first in another format (i.e. Word) and then copy it into the box.
- There is an icon above the text box that you can click on and insert a picture or a video if you want.
- When you are ready to post, click preview to see how it will look to the viewer. Make any changes. When you are satisfied with your post, click on the publish tab.
- You can use the edit button to make changes after you publish if you need to.
- This site can be a bit confusing to navigate so do not be afraid to move your mouse over different buttons to figure out what they do and explore. Looking forward to seeing Summer School updates!- Amy
Leadership Skills with Susan Winning and Lynne Turner gets better every day! Being a good leader can mean trying something new when what you tried before stopped working or doesn't work. Class is truly international; our participants come from varied workplaces, so through the discussions and excercises we look at many ways we can reach excellence in leadership.