Monday, July 30, 2012


During this amazing three day workshop( Dollar and Sense)we were able to be informed of some important topics like keeping a budget, handling financial decisions, credit cards, debt, bankruptcy and many more.
Establishing financial goals was the main topic that I believe Professor and fellow sister Lillian Clayman wanted us to take home. We were highly adviced to pay attention to where our money goes. Awareness is key to be able to control spending habits.
In this class we were able to understand the difference between the different type credit cards that are available to all of us and how we as consumers are making poor judgment daily due to lack of knowledge. Sometimes you think you know it all and then “BANG” you realized that maybe there is always a lot more others know about money that you don’t know. Thanks to the participation of the sisters in the class I was able to learn a lot. I appreciated the stories, examples and common knowledge many of you shared. It really did make a big difference. This class was incredible, fun and interactive.  
I must say that what I got the most out of this class was that money does matter and I have to be a better steward with what God has given me.
I’m grateful I took this workshop and would like to share a few links the professor Clayman share with us in class.
In deed there are many "financial planning" websites. Many are sponsored by financial services companies who would like to sell their products. A lot of the information that they provide is helpful. However, it is more helpful to go to a website that is product neutral.

1)   - Women's Institute for a Secure Retiremen

2) - Federal Trade Commission, click on "consumer Protection" and scroll down to "Other Publications. Scroll over the left side menu for a plethora of topics.

3) - Social Security Administration

4) - Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. Click on "Investors". You can use this site for research and education. This site also allows you to research your broker. Remember, only those licensed to buy and sell securities will be on this site. While an insurance agent may put themselves forward as a financial advisor,they will not be on this site unless they are also licensed with FINRA.

5) - National Association of Insurance Commissioners. Click on "consumer resources." You can also click on your home state site.

6) - before you contribute to a charity, you may want to see how much actually goes to the cause you care about.
Sisters I hope these above websites can help you find more information on money and sense. I hope that it helps you and leads you to financial freedom.

In Solidarity,
 Julia Portillo

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