Monday, August 1, 2016

My new friend and sister...

My new friend and sister…

This is how every introduction of someone we just got to know in our Sunday morning leadership class began. What powerful words for so many reasons! On Saturday, most of us walked in Summer School for Women in Unions and Workers Organizations at Rutgers University complete strangers. Less than 24 hours later, it was clear that we truly were sisters. We come from different backgrounds, different unions and organizations, different states and even different countries. We are of various ages, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientation and work. The roads we took may be different, but for most of us, we share an ultimate destination: peace, justice, fairness, equality, freedom – a better life for us and our families. We’re united in our quest to make ourselves smarter, stronger and more confident. We’ve committed to bringing others up as we rise. We’re bonding over similar struggles: time away from home, seemingly overwhelming obstacles at work and in society; unjust and unfair roadblocks manifesting in the form of sexism, racism or other discrimination, and exciting but sometimes scary twists and turns ahead. In just a day, I’ve met some of the most badass women I’ve ever known, and I’ve known a lot! Sisters like my new friend and sister Melinda Hayward shown here. She’s a fellow single mommy, church volunteer and new union leader who juggles one day off a week, a six-hour commute and being mama with a burning desire to be a leader in our movement. A member of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees union, she climbs steel rigs and sets up music concerts for living – thriving in a male-dominated industry. Like I said, badass. Meeting Melinda and so many other incredible women has reminded me about why I do what I do, and it’s fueled my soul with inspiration. So while most of us walked in Rutgers complete strangers, it’s clear to me that we’ll be leaving here as family: new friends and sisters who will continue to support each other, lift each other up and work together as we change the world.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful article, Connie. This is the essence of summer school. (from Donna)
