Saturday, August 2, 2014

Reflections on 2014 Summer School: 1 Day passed

          It is the second day after the end of summer school that now, seems like a distant past.  Despite the gloomy weather, as the rain hits my bedroom window, I wake to a visual of masses of people holding hands, doing the wave, swaying and singing:  "Solidarity Forever.  Our Unions Make Us Strong."

"I am a Human. 
I am a Female.
I am a Worker. 
I Have Rights."

Lourdes Ashley Hunter


    With the elections nearing, it is up to me to intelligently cast all my votes; to Question and Hold All Transparent and Accountable, "How Will You Affect Hard Working Human Life?"  For if I don't, We may lose all our existing rights.

          I miss my summer school sisters, but as I hear the rain trickle on my bedroom window, I get excited and look forward to hearing how my sisters will creatively reign.  

Bev on the guitar, as we sing, 
"Solidarity Forever. HIStory shows Our Unions make us strong."