Monday, July 25, 2011
The ABC's of Organizing
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Now is time for ACTION!!!
Let's start changing the world; one small step & at a time. One small ripple effect at a time. One small action a time.
I truly love you Sisters. I pray this is the first of many new beginnings for us.
In Solidarity,
Sister Y
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
My Best Summer School
Unionism and
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Labor History Night
All in all, it was fantastic. If you weren't there, you missed out.
Thank you for allowing me to be the 2011 Blogger for Summer School

I Will Never Let A Sister Walk Alone...
Priscilla Carrow
Coordinating Manager-B
Elmhurst Hospital Center/Material Management
Senior Shop Steward for CWA Local 1180
Our Retired Sister Who Continue To Be Strong
Rose Schneirderman Leadership Class
The class was asked what each sister got out of the summer school this year and we all came to the same conclusion..."We Loved It"
We agreed that the leadership classes and workshops were informative and the instructors were knowledgable.
Words used by the sisters in this class were; enlighting, informative, excititng, insprirational, powerful, awesome and fun!
We also agreed that all of the instructors "knew their stuff". We feel we have grown in the knowledge of what a union is and we are leaving summer school as stronger more knowledgable and confident leaders.
Have a GREAT summer and see you all next year!
Your sisters in solidarity,
Rose Schneirderman Leadership Class
Submitted by Robyn Banks
Meet the Bloggers of the 2011 Summer School

Pictured left to right (Back row): Kate Vanier, Linda Veraska, Amy Dietz, Katherine Francis-Rouse
Front Row: Priscilla Carrow, Elizabeth Olana
Dr. Dorothy I Height Leadership Class
Adia Hoag
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Just a lil' bit about Erica Braxton
I am a 17 member of Plumbers Local 24 Northern, NJ having gone through a 5 year apprenticeship. I am active in my local and have been since becoming a journeyman ( full fledged member done with training). It is my goal to become stronger in my local to serve the members better.
I love to roller skate and attend many roller skating parties around the country. A dog lover I am. Reading has been a love of mine since a young child. I collect dog figurines, Barbies and other dolls. Love looking for bargains weather it's a garage sale, thrift store, consignment shop or regular store.
More importantly I want to be able to help my sisters, especially in the labor movement.
In solidarity,
I will make my local and union stronger.
Two quotes by Ms. Ida Torres will forever be in my heart. "Don't let a sister walk alone." and "Put down ladders to bring others up." I believe the basis for women to achieve leadership roles in their unions lie with these 2 simple sentence. Sisters we must remain in loyalty, solidarity, and unity.
In solidarity,
Erica Braxton
Are you sure these are MOCK negotiations?
Let's take a look at Collective Bargaining. At the heart of the union movement, understanding the fundamentals of collective bargaining is essential to being able to work with people who are directly affected by its power. The very first thing we talked about was the meaning of collective bargaining. Of course, there are dictionary definitions for it, but collective bargaining means something different to each of the people who are affected by it. For me, collective bargaining is the opportunity for two or more parties to discuss issues which they have in common with one another in order to reach a consensus on the best way to resolve those issues regarding all parties involved. My definition sounds much like the one a dictionary might give, but that comes from my analytical nature (which I learned a small bit about in my leadership skills class, but that is another story). To the other students in my class, collective bargaining meant a great deal of different things. What is your definition of collective bargaining?
Anyway, I want to get to the most important part of the class: contract negotiations. Having been present for a portion of the contract negotiations at AFSCME Council 13, I know more about the process than someone who has never had the opportunity to witness it. However, my knowledge is still greatly limited. So, taking collective bargaining has been a great way for me to understand more of the process. Especially when we started to role play. Our instructor, Claudia Schacter-deChaber, definitely knows that you learn more by applying and doing than just sitting in a chair taking notes. Her enthusiasm for the subject matter helps a great deal as well.
At the moment, Claudia has us divided into two groups, management and union, to hold a mock negotiation. We've been meeting outside of class to define our requests and formulate our strategies. Today, we met at the bargaining table to begin our negotiations. After a brief moment, we went to caucus. Even though very little felt like it got done today, the process was intense. And I don't mean like camping, either.
Negotiating is HARD. There is a lot of stress between parties as they lay out their needs and wants, abilities and limitations. Everyone has to be formal and polite, but also assertive and aggressive at the right times. As if that weren't enough, during caucus, members of your own team need to discuss issues at length to reach an agreement before presenting a unified stance. Requests for clarification. Questions about our needs. Disagreements about how much we can give and take. Voices get raised in excitement, but sometimes in anger.
All this left me thinking: are you sure these are MOCK negotiations? It felt real, but that is the point of role playing. This is the best way, short of witnessing or taking part in an actual contract negotiation, to learn what needs to be done and how to get it there.
In the course of our learning process and our excitement, we forgot some key notions and had to be reminded of them. At the same time, we remembered a lot of things that we had learned in the previous two days of class and were able to apply them to our bargaining. It's a developing skill at this point, but a quickly evolving one.
The hands-on approach is incredibly effective. While collective bargaining has the largest scale example of hands-on learning, the method is used in my other classes as well through hypothetical situations which force us, the students, to apply the knowledge we are learning to choose what is the best course of action in specific types of cases.
I cannot stress enough how much I am learning. I applaud and thank our teachers for this week. And my fellow sisters, too, for sharing their experiences to educate all of us.
Why does it take a tragedy for us to act?
Why is it that we wait until we are forced to take action? When we are diagnosed with health disorders then we act; when are jobs are on the line, then we act.
We must never get complacent and expect others to take action! It is up to us! Do we want to return to the sweatshop days? Do we want the Walmarts of the world to take over? We need good jobs with good benefits...if you have a good job with good benefits thank your union by taking action!
Triangle Factory Fire......100 years later.....
Yetta Berger will live forever in my memory as I carry her spirit with me this week.....
Was her sacrifice all for nothing if we continue to allow our brothers and sisters to work in unsafe environments. Do we need another tragedy before we act..
Today collective bargaining..... Tomorrow health and safety......
Be on the watch.....
Remember Yetta and the others who lost their lives on that tragic day, they were WORKERS just like us.....
We are under attack now......
What will it take........
Fun Night With Linda our Bermuda Sister
Fun Night
Labor Summer School - Rutgers University
I had a wonderful time. The women I met here were so friendly and beautiful. The learning experience was great.
Fun Night
CLA, Minnisota
It has been a true honor to be a part of this summer school. It has been extremely a great learning experience with the welcoming solidarity of all sisters!
Fun Night
This is my first time attending the UALE Regional Summer School for Union Women. I have enjoyed my time at the school. I have met so many interesting women from all walks of life. Their stories has inspired me to be FIRED-UP for CHANGE.
Fun Night
Communication Workers of American (CWA) Local 1180
In less than 2days in summer school for union women I have already bee inspired and Charged up! My roomates are greate, we've bonded so well.
Our teachings have been very intense. I've learned so much in strengthening our unions in so little time. I'm bursting with excitement. "Kudos to our Teachers: The amount of knowledge they have is incredible. I've met so many strong and talented woman. I can't wait to take this information back to my members.
I look forward to the day when ALL Sisters reachout to each other from difference states and STAND TOGETHER AS ONE!
Remember "It Starts Here, Right Here at Summer School.
Fun Night
Benita Johnson / New York
Recording Secretary
Transport Workers Union
Local 100
Fun Night

Fun Night
With this being my first time experience, I can't wait to get back to my work site and practice everything I've learned.
Tamica Ennis, Bust Operator
TWU Local 100 (5years)
Fun Night
Mill Neck Manor
Educational Assoc.
It has been an honor to meet other women involved in labor unions. The feeling of pride and solidarity is quite evident and the classes have been informative and enjoyable. I'm over-whelmed by all the wonderful women I've had the pleasure of living with this Week!
In rememberance of Sarah Brodsky
This blog is just to imagine what it must've been like to had walked in Sarah Brodsky's shoes that Saturday morning, March 25, 1911 when she started her day.
What were her plans for the rest of that day? What were her plans for the rest of that weekend?
Was there a suitor, she was looking forward to seeing later?
What were her hopes, dreams, & aspirations?
Did she have a diary?
Did she plan a vacation?
Maybe, she looked forward to tallying her savings from her meager wages, and was hoping to go home for a mini vacation.
Was she looking forward to stopping at the market, after work, to pick up staples, or an ingredient for her evening meal.
Maybe she couldn't wait for the day to be over, when she crossed the threshold of the entrance to The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory that day.
And then...
What were her thoughts when she smelled the smoke, heard the clamor of noises from fire engines, horns blowing, people screaming and shouting, that fateful Saturday afternoon?
I'm sure she never imagined, the thought never entered her mind, that on that day, March 25, 1911, that she would forever be a part of history
And, I wonder, who was on the mind of that young woman, Sarah Brodsky, on that dreadful Saturday afternoon.
Let's always remember Sarah Brodsky and the other 145 people who perished in one of the worst catastrophes in U.S. history at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire on Saturday, March 25, 1911.
Sister Y
Is the Report-Out Message?
So, in conclusion, with all said in the report-out in the auditorium right before luch, is it fair to state to the media, public, and to the world: "WE, (union bodies), are PEOPLE & CONSUMERS TOO!"?
Sister Y
The sum is greater than its parts!
See people as whole beings. e.g. 'a' worker is a member of a family, who lives in a, "community/neighborhood," thats part of a, "city/county/town," which belongs to a, "State!" Therefore, when you recognize and address, "members," as whole beings and address their real issues, be it personal, job, family, etc. you pretty much have a, "supporter," in your camp and on your side.
Sister Y,
Best quote so far....
Let's go brothers and sisters....
Its time to solidifying the core....
We are under ATTACK....
Its time for ACTION...
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Summer School Happiness
We are sisters for life because we never WALK ALONE.
Happy Birthday Donna
Donna Schulman, Summer School Administrator is overwhelmed with this years summer school. One thing she wanted to do is to continue her career as a Labor Educator.
Happy To Be at Summer School....
I am very happy to be at this years summer school. It is very interested and I met a lot of good people. I have received a lot of information that will help me be successful in my union.
Picnic Event
Picnic Event
It's more than just leadership skills
At the beginning of our class we made some goals for what we wanted to learn as part of our leadership skills experience. The list included: learning how to motivate union members, understanding how to communicate more effectively, and developing networking skills.
Our first assignment outside of class was to fill out a questionnaire about our local union using information from our contract and by-laws. Then today in class, we mapped out our union structure to demonstrate both our knowledge of our union and also the differences between the various unions represented by other sisters in the class. Many of the positions and officers were the same, but how they came into office, their duties, and how they related to other positions in the structural tree differed for each case ever so slightly. The sisters in my class were able to ask one another questions to discuss those differences in more depth.
One of the purposes of this class is to encourage our sisters to seek out leadership and involvement opportunities in their unions. The first step toward taking those courses of action is recognizing where those opportunities lie. So, that was one of our first activities: thinking about where we can get involved. Some of the ideas were small and other ideas were rather large, but they were all great places to get started.
While the material is leadership oriented, the class members personalize the experience for one another. So, it feels like more than a leadership skills class. It feels like a motivational movement.
It's looked like fun but it was about SOLIDARITY.....
But here is the difference in everything we educate and inspire towards empowering the Union cause........ SOLIDARITY.
Remember every Union movement of the past was accompanied with song and dance.......
Make a joyful sound says the Lord....
Sister we sure have lots to sing and dance about cause we here and we shall not be moved.......
Fun Night
Again the idea of sisters and solidarity was brought up...I think of my work place and of the solidarity there. Is it genuine in my department, in my building? Hmmm....I guess I can improve with one sister.
The MC was great! She will be an excellent labor school teacher but United is losing a great flight attendant!!!
The evening ended with a great song by Robin and some dances....again, I watched instead of participated. Since I have no innate talents, I am a patron of the arts!
Finally I am on...
I am Linda, a UUP Vice President for Academics, who has been an active member since 2006 when 2 people in my department were let go. If it weren't for the union, I would have been let go! That incident made me realize the importance of the union. I have always worked in private industry, so learning about and working in a union are relatively new to me.
This is my first summer school and I am enjoying it...I have taken a lot of classes over the years, but none about labor relations and the labor movement. It's a tough time for unions, so we need to mobilize and activate our members. In my union, those who do step up usually have a problem and need help; otherwise, most members are silent and inactive.
At dinner last night, I sat with sisters from Baltimore, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. We discussed our governors and what they are doing to unions. I ask people what their union does to send them to summer school. Some get paid to attend and others like me use our vacation. There is such diversity amongst the unions as far as structure and how they are organized. It was a surprise to me to learn that now is actually a good time to organize make sense since the economy is so bad, but it takes courage for workers in this type of atmosphere to form a union!
It's also great to see such diversity amongst the sisters here at the summer school. I am too used to seeing mostly white faces in the group whether it's at work or hiking or playing tennis or going to the ballet, orchestra or the opera.
Well, it's time for fun night to begin...I am one of two bloggers covering fun night, so I will post again later tonight.
With gratitude and much appreciation!
I'd like to thank Elise Bryant, a sister I never had the pleasure of meeting, yet, it is thru her that I learned about this course/school. She sent me an email about Women Fired Up for Change! And, here I am, a first-timer, and plan to be a lifer/alumni of UALE.
Thank you Sister Elise Bryant. Thank you for, "Umbuntu."
Thank you to all the staff, educators, administrators for all your patience, encouragement, and support.
I would like to thank Sarah Brodsky, and the one hundred forty- five people who perished in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire. You've unknowingly, & unintentionally, given the ultimate sacrifice, which was your lives, which has effected changes in so many laws, and working conditions, that you will never know of. Your sacrifices were not in vain. Again, thank you.
Thank God for you.
Respectfully submitted,
Sister Y
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

My inner historian kept me up last night. I wanted to know more about Ida Jukofsky, 19. So I did some extra home work last night and I found out she was a Russian Jewish immigrant who had just started a new life in NY. Her parents, Sam and Esther Jukofsky wanted a better life for her, so they left Russia when Ida was 13. She was a union member and she more than paid her dues. For her, and for all the victims, we need to not take for granted what we have and fight to keep working people and their families the number one priority of our elected officials at all levels of government. We need to hold them accountable for selling out the people in favor of corporate greed. Our future depends on it. Our lives depend on it. Our collective and coordinated action can and will save our country.
To find out more about your person please visit the ILR School site dedicated to memorializing the sacrifice of the victims and survivors of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire.
What I learned about myself at labor summer camp
I'm a beach girl at heart from Orange County and attempting to cultivate a more meaningful, thoughtful life than my contemporaries on "The O.C." by advocating on behalf of education professionals and all working families. I made a promise this week to start using my online voice to help change the narrative from public employee unions are "draining the state budgets" to all workers should at least earn a livable wage, pension, and quality health insurance (hopefully a single payer system will pass in my lifetime?). I used to get so upset with the perceived lack of action and poor visibility from union members and their leaders. Often I catch myself wondering, where is there a space for our voices since the main stream media is not telling OUR stories. So here I am trying to create one. This is an experiment of sorts and a challenge to overcome my fears of publishing my thoughts in printed word. Yesterday, I had the honor of learning about a young Russian immigrant, Ida Jukofsky who was only 19 years old when she lost her life in the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire 100 years ago. Her memory is my inner strength and guiding force.
Making my union stronger by attending Summer School For Union Women
My favorite quote thus far is "Don't let a sister walk alone" Ida Torres
In solidarity,
Erica Braxton Plumbers Local 24
about me
This is my first blog. My goal is to become more comfortable with blogging.
I feel as though I am very open about my life; however, my life is not for general public consumption. There's no need for people whom I don't know to have access to information about me. Despite various "privacy" settings and other security measures, there are countless security breaches with many organizations and individuals (medical records, credit card numbers, social security numbers, etc.). I see no need to publish my life.
But enough about that. You want to know me, so here goes:
I am the luckiest person in the world, happily married to a wonderful woman who thinks she is the lucky one. She supports me in many ways--work issues, union activities, hobbies, etc. We have known each other for 22 years, and been together since 1992.
We live in western Massachusetts in a rural area: local farmers grow corn, potatoes, onions, pumpkins and tobacco (yes, tobacco--shade tobacco, used for the outer wrappings of cigars). We have lots of wildlife on our street--black bears, coyotes, bobcats, and even the rare sightings of fisher, a mountain lion, and ermine.
I am a legal aid attorney, working with low-income people in western Massachusetts. My specialty is housing. I help tenants avoid eviction, or at least try to get them a better resolution than merely being kicked out of their home. I also work with tenants who live in homes with poor conditions. As part of my job I spend time on a hotline, advising clients about food stamps/SNAP, custody, divorce, child support, unemployment compensation (a big concern these days), SSI, consumer protection rights, etc.
I realize every day how lucky I am that I am not one of my clients--I have sufficient food, a home that is safe, I can afford my home, and I am not a victim of domestic violence.
I lead a charmed life.
Gail Rogers' Bio
There was so much I wanted to do and haven't so far. My bucket list is long. There are some regrets, but for the most part I am happy with my life and what I have accomplished.
I have a wonderful son who has grown into an outstanding young man who makes me and my husband proud.
I am also very proud of what I have accomplished in my union. I was the first short hour member to become a member of our Local's Executive Board. I was the first short hour member to become a Business Agent. In 2002, I became the Secretary Treasurer of my union representing more than 4000 Macy's workers.
But what makes me proudest of my union involvement has been the ability to help workers. The times I was able to return members to their jobs after being wrongly discharged, and the times I was able to recover lost monies for members who were incorrectly paid are the things that gave me the most satisfaction.
It won't be long before I will pass the torch to younger members who hopefully will have the same desire to help workers. Maybe then I will be able to get to do some of the things on my list. Until then I will continue to help workers in their time of need and also help to educate those who will follow me.
who is emma 22
I am honoring Emma Rothstein, killed in the Triangle Fire at age 22 due to management's greed!
Don't let this happen again! never!
Fired up! Learn to grieve it!
It can't get any better than over 100 women getting together for the 36th UALE NE Regional Summer School for women fighting for basic union rights. What is interesting is one of the workshops I am taking -Basic Grievance Handling. We are having fun learning and role playing in this wonderful class.
I thought I was the only one that didn't know her local ; not so so we have to reintroduce ourselves in every class with name, union name in full and local number. Now I know it all well and am proud of it!
Follow updates on Facebook!
Best Quote of the day so far.........
Unions are the only place we can $&@!?@& up and still be loved......
Charity Opportunity
Leadership Class with Ida Torres and Kim Guillory....
WE ARE WORKERS with titles.......
At the end of the day we are workers fighting for other workers who have rights......
Great Union Leaders never forget that.....
Monday, July 18, 2011
If the heat hasn't killed you yet, there is still time to get fired up for change
As the sun and the temperature began to rise, so did our spirits as we began our classes this morning. I was impressed, almost immediately, by the welcoming and cheerful atmosphere created by our sisters here this week. It was even more pleasantly surprising to see that the warmth of our sisters persisted through, and was in fact amplified by, the immense diversity of the union membership represented at this event.
The backgrounds are speckled with various unions, races, struggles, religions, family situations, professions, and ages. With so many different experiences brought to the table, we will be able to learn so much.
So many women have come here to learn. What I think they do not realize is that they are also here to teach. Even though their knowledge is not perfect, so many of our sisters are paving the way for increased awareness and understanding of union involvement in their respective workplaces. From reorganizing the women's committee to trying to strengthen activism in an apathetic work location, these women are already teaching others what they have come here to learn. And they are imparting knowledge that they already have to other sisters in their midst this week.
I am more than impressed. They are already fired up for change. I am talking about you. Yes, you. Now, let's continue to heat up the rest of this week to keep that fire burning hot. Not hot enough to start a factory fire, of course.
This is what Unions Summer School means......
It's not just about the now but the future as we continue to drop the ladder. We bask in the powerful experiences of our sisters. We laugh with them and cry with them. We stand as strong trees by the waters of solidarity. Day one is about recognizing the WE as Sister Torres said. We the Workers......
No Sister will walk alone...... Not even our Triangle Fire Sisters......
I am walking with Yetta Berger.....
Bloggers Ready to Blog!
We hope you will find the posts interesting and informative. In solidarity, and sisterhood!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
The 36th Annual Northeast Regional Summer School for Union Women

Hi Everyone,
Welcome to Summer School! I am looking forward to seeing old friend's and making new ones as we come together in solidarity and fellowship. This year’s school is hosted by Labor Education and Research Now (LEARN, Tracy Chang, Director) and the Dept. of Labor Studies and Employment Research of the School of Management and Labor Relations (SMLR), Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. The School is coordinated by Donna Schulman, Carey Library, Rutgers, and Karen Bellamy Lewis, IFPTE, AFL-CIO, CLC.
If you have enrolled in this year's school and would like to contribute to this year's blog, please email me at I will add you to the site. The week will be jam packed with workshops covering topics salient to current and future leaders in the labor movement, as well as labor history night, movie night and other favorites. We hope you will join the blog and let those who cannot join us experience the week through your eyes and for those of us who are here, keep the memories alive.
In solidarity,
Amy Dietz